Bee Girl Comes to Boston
Over the last six years the Bee Girl organization has grown from one person with a passionate vision, love for bees, and two bee hives towed to Oregon from Montana […]
Over the last six years the Bee Girl organization has grown from one person with a passionate vision, love for bees, and two bee hives towed to Oregon from Montana […]
Dave Strickler of the Boston Area Beekeepers Association gives a talk on honeybees in urban environments, what it's like to raise honeybees in your backyard, and the small things you […]
Dave Strickler of the Boston Area Beekeepers Association gives a talk on honeybees in urban environments, what it's like to raise honeybees in your backyard, and the small things you […]
Award-winning San Francisco Chronicle journalist and fifth-generation beekeeper Meredith May will be in conversation with Noah Wilson-Rich, Chief Scientific Officer of Best Bees Company, about her forthcoming memoir, THE HONEY […]
For thousands of years, beekeepers have only guessed what's happening inside their hives. BeekeepingIO & BroodMinder is about to change all that. We collect environmental conditions from hives around the […]
All day WCBA meeting on March 2nd at the Grafton High School. Speakers include Marla Spivak of Minnesota and Christina Grozinger of Penn State speaking on their recent research on […]
Join longtime beekeeper Mark Lewis in BABA's apiary at MassAudubon's Boston Nature Center to learn how and when to split a hive, and some of the many ways to perform […]
Meet and Greet: A change to meet other Boston area beekeepers in an informal setting. POSTPONED - NEW DATE AND TIME WILL BE ANNOUNCED HERE SOON
Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]
Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]
Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]