WCBA Spring 2019 Meeting

All day WCBA meeting on March 2nd at the Grafton High School. Speakers include Marla Spivak of Minnesota and Christina Grozinger of Penn State speaking on their recent research on […]

Hands-on: Swarms & Splits — ‘Tis the Season!

Join longtime beekeeper Mark Lewis in BABA's apiary at MassAudubon's Boston Nature Center to learn how and when to split a hive, and some of the many ways to perform […]

Meet & Greet

Meet and Greet: A change to meet other Boston area beekeepers in an informal setting. POSTPONED - NEW DATE AND TIME WILL BE ANNOUNCED HERE SOON

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]

Club Meeting

Join us for a club meeting where we will discuss beekeeping issues that may be currently affecting you as a local beekeeper, new club events, updates on our club apiaries […]

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]