Hands-on: Swarms & Splits — ‘Tis the Season!

Join longtime beekeeper Mark Lewis in BABA's apiary at MassAudubon's Boston Nature Center to learn how and when to split a hive, and some of the many ways to perform […]

Meet & Greet

Meet and Greet: A change to meet other Boston area beekeepers in an informal setting. POSTPONED - NEW DATE AND TIME WILL BE ANNOUNCED HERE SOON

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]

Club Meeting

Join us for a club meeting where we will discuss beekeeping issues that may be currently affecting you as a local beekeeper, new club events, updates on our club apiaries […]

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]

Meet The Beekeeper

Spend time with a beekeeper in the Boston Area Beekeepers Association's apiary (bee yard) at MassAudubon's beautiful Boston Nature Center. Visitors will don beekeeper jackets and hoods, and work right […]